报告题目: 脂质组学分析方法及其应用
报告人: 刘虎威 教授 (北京大学)
报告简介: 主要介绍脂质组学分析方法及其在临床研究中的应用,包括用于脂质类化合物轮廓分析的二维液相色谱-质谱方法和用于目标分析的敞开式质谱方法。然后举例说明这些方法在临床疾病研究中的应用,包括肾病、癌症、动脉粥样硬化等患者体液样品的脂质组学研究。
报告人简介: 北京大学化学与分子工程学院党委书记,中国化学会理事,中国色谱学会常务理事,中国化学会色谱专业委员会副主任,中国物理学会质谱学会常务理事,有机质谱分专业委员会主任,北京理化分析测试技术学会副理事长,北京色谱专业委员会副理事长,中国仪器仪表学会分析仪器分会理事,样品前处理专业委员会副主任。
报告题目: Flow Field-flow fractionation for Proteomic & Lipidomic Analysis
报告人: Myeong Hee Moon 教授 (Yonsei University)
报告简介:Field-flow fractionation (FFF) is a separation method capable of size-sorting particles and biological macromolecules like proteins, DNA, cells, and etc in an empty channel space without packing materials for sample interactions. Flow FFF (FlFFF), a variant of FFF family utilizing cross flow as driving force of separation in addition to migration flow, provides a gentle but high speed size separation of biological macromolecules such as proteins, cells, DNA, subcellular species in a biological buffer solution. Especially for the biomaterials, high performance separation/isolation methods are crucial to reduce the sample complexity even though sophisticated use of mass spectrometry (MS) is available.
报告人简介: Myeong Hee Moon,The president of the Korean Society of Mass Spectrometry (KSMS); Co-chair of the scientific committee of International Symposium on Field-Flow Fractionation. Member of editorial board of Anal. Chem. and J. Proteomics. He has received awards from Korean Chemical Society (2007), the Korean Society of Analytical Sciences (2009), and Carbon Culture Institute (2013).
时间: 2016年09月26日(星期一),下午16:00
地点: 逸夫楼6楼会议室